Full legal name: Oksana Kurysheva City, Country: Moscow, Russia FAS user name and language to translate: avienda, Russian Profession or Student status: I work in VDEL company (www.vdel.com) as consultant and also study at Moscow Institute of Physics and Engineering (www.mephi.ru). You and the Fedora Project: I would like to translate documentation for Russian users. Historical qualifications: I use Linux for 4 years, my first distro was Slackware Linux 10. After emergence of Russian Fedora I use it and try to do something helpful to make it better. GPG KEYID: 0B7083EA fingerprint: pub 1024D/0B7083EA 2009-09-22 [expires: 2012-09-21] Key fingerprint = BB60 DBF0 5D5D 3D04 B034 9724 8CE5 F258 0B70 83EA uid Oksana Kurysheva oksana.kurysheva@vdel.com sub 2048g/07814CE4 2009-09-22 [expires: 2012-09-21]