Hi all,
arm.fedoraproject.org[1] build is currently failing, caused by a python format error in translation. I fixed the offending string[2], but can't trigger an update/push on the component myself. It would be nice if an admin could do that before the release planned tomorrow.
Thanks :)
[1]: https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/fedora-websites/armfedoraprojec... [2]: https://translate.fedoraproject.org/translate/fedora-websites/armfedoraproje...
понеділок, 1 листопада 2021 р. 23:22:20 EET Francois Andrieu написано:
Hi all,
arm.fedoraproject.org[1] build is currently failing, caused by a python format error in translation. I fixed the offending string[2], but can't trigger an update/push on the component myself. It would be nice if an admin could do that before the release planned tomorrow.
Thanks :)
Looks like done. Thanks for the notice.
Best regards, Yuri