Upcoming Fedora 12 Translation Tasks
Name Start End
Software: Rebuild all translated packages Tue 2009-09-22 Tue 2009-09-29 Review and correct Beta Release Notes (daily buids html) Wed 2009-09-23 Mon 2009-10-05 Final (Beta) Freeze: Development Code Complete Tue 2009-09-29 Tue 2009-09-29 Translate Draft PO for Guides Wed 2009-09-30 Tue 2009-10-13 Translation Deadline: Beta Release Notes (PO Files complete) Mon 2009-10-05 Mon 2009-10-05 Build fed-rel-notes.rpm for Beta Release Tue 2009-10-06 Tue 2009-10-06 Beta Project Wide Release Readiness Meeting Wed 2009-10-07 Wed 2009-10-07 Beta Release Public Availability Tue 2009-10-13 Tue 2009-10-13
I realize the formatting of these emails is not pretty if your email reader uses a proportional font. The mail archives are worse, for example https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2009-September/msg00082.ht...
Right now I'm using a simple python script to parse and add spaces to a CSV file created by TaskJuggler. Let me know if there are any ideas for fixing this.
Thanks, John