The POT for Release Notes for F7test4 is now available for translators in the Fedora Docs CVS. For instructions, please refer to the Translation Quick Start Guide¹, Chapter 4, "Translating Documentation." Please make sure you apply for cvsdocs access to be able to commit your translations!
** The deadline for PO files is 2359 UTC, April 14th 2007.² **
The module is available here:
$ cvs -d :ext:<username> co release-notes-devel
Please test your translations for validity by running "make validate-xml-<LANG>" when finished. If you have specific problems with the output, you can get help from the Fedora Documentation Project either on or on IRC Freenode in channel #fedora-docs.
The following PO files have been created so far³:
ca cs da de el es fi fr gu hr it ja ml ms nb nl pa pl pt_BR pt ru sr@Latn sr sv ta uk zh_CN zh_TW
If you translate another language, you can follow the instructions in the document above to add a new language to the list.
Thank you for your time and efforts!
= = = = = ¹ ² ³ The following languages need to have common entity PO files created before any documents can be built in those languages: ca cs fi gu hr ml ms nb sr@Latn ta zh_TW
Hi Paul,
On 4/4/07, Paul W. Frields wrote:
The following PO files have been created so far³:
ca cs da de el es fi fr gu hr it ja ml ms nb nl pa pl pt_BR pt ru sr@Latn sr sv ta uk zh_CN zh_TW
³ The following languages need to have common entity PO files created before any documents can be built in those languages: ca cs fi gu hr ml ms nb sr@Latn ta zh_TW
We are in the lengthy process of sorting out our sr@Latn variant of the locale - currently there are (for reasons beyond our control) different labels for it in glibc (sr@latin), X/GNOME (sr@Latn) and DocBook/HTML (sr-Latn) and we're just not sure how it all fits together yet. While it is trivial for us to autogenerate the content from sr files, we haven't committed any to docs CVS for this reason.
Maybe it's best to leave sr@Latn out for the time being?
Regards, Miloš
On Wed, 2007-04-04 at 15:58 +0100, Miloš Komarčević wrote:
Hi Paul,
On 4/4/07, Paul W. Frields wrote:
The following PO files have been created so far³:
ca cs da de el es fi fr gu hr it ja ml ms nb nl pa pl pt_BR pt ru sr@Latn sr sv ta uk zh_CN zh_TW
³ The following languages need to have common entity PO files created before any documents can be built in those languages: ca cs fi gu hr ml ms nb sr@Latn ta zh_TW
We are in the lengthy process of sorting out our sr@Latn variant of the locale - currently there are (for reasons beyond our control) different labels for it in glibc (sr@latin), X/GNOME (sr@Latn) and DocBook/HTML (sr-Latn) and we're just not sure how it all fits together yet. While it is trivial for us to autogenerate the content from sr files, we haven't committed any to docs CVS for this reason.
Maybe it's best to leave sr@Latn out for the time being?
I can comment out the sr@Latn in the Makefile if you think that's best... would that be OK? That way if you get things sorted out, you can still commit to the PO and reactivating it is trivial.
On 4/4/07, Paul W. Frields wrote:
I can comment out the sr@Latn in the Makefile if you think that's best... would that be OK? That way if you get things sorted out, you can still commit to the PO and reactivating it is trivial.
Great, thanks, that should do. Makes it easy to test stuff locally as well.
Regards, Miloš