I've updated the Docs release schedule in a way I hope is appropriate, given Jesse's recent announcement for the F7 release schedule:
Note that a full set of Release Notes will not be released until test3 now, as opposed to test2. (Both test2 and test3 will continue the "one-sheet" summary used in test1, but with somewhat expanded content each iteration.) However, it is *VERY* important that developers and other contributors remain proactive in populating Release Notes content. That practice allows us to work effectively with the L10N team to provide translations.
Please direct replies and discussion to fedora-docs-list (reply-to set FWIW).
On Fri, 2007-02-16 at 20:01 -0500, Paul W. Frields wrote:
Note that a full set of Release Notes will not be released until test3 now, as opposed to test2.
Excuse the reply to myself; this should read: "Note that a full set of Release Notes will not be released until test4 now, as opposed to test3."