Start End Name Wed 26-May Tue 31-Aug Continue translation of guides in branch of previous release Mon 02-Aug Mon 02-Aug Remind f-dev-announce to Rebuild All Translated Packages Tue 03-Aug Tue 03-Aug Software String Freeze Tue 03-Aug Tue 07-Sep Software Translation Period
Have you found something that is working really well in your schedule? Or maybe you've found something you believe would work better in the future?
Update the schedule retrospective page now to capture all of the important details as they happen:
Mon 02-Aug Mon 02-Aug Remind f-dev-announce to Rebuild All Translated Packages
The reminder sent. It took a little while that the post was approved. Now this reminder hit all package maintainers inboxes. Thus we might have some more updates tomorrow.
On Wed, Aug 04, 2010 at 01:56:52PM +1000, noriko wrote:
Mon 02-Aug Mon 02-Aug Remind f-dev-announce to Rebuild All Translated Packages
The reminder sent. It took a little while that the post was approved. Now this reminder hit all package maintainers inboxes. Thus we might have some more updates tomorrow.
Sorry about the delay in getting this post approved. We have more moderators now and so this problem will be easier to avoid next announcement! :-)