I'm maintainer of specspo package. I want to generate new po catalogue for translation and have some questions.
Current process looks now like this: - generate new po catalgue from selected rpm repos (usually rawhide-nightly) - commit the changes on ELVIS cvs tree - translation team hard-work here - after they commit their changes put everything to tarball and update specspo on DIST with it - wait till next release (FC or RHEL) and goto 1
This shows we have currently just one specspo ELVIS upstream for everything we release. This specspo includes everything I decide to include according to what we are about to release.
Problems: - it is not possible to regenerate catalogues for recent release. If package descr or summary changes for recent product we are not able to do the translation (or at least I don't know how) - upstream on ELVIS is not updated, it is recreated from scratch (from different sources) - this can make troubles to translation team (?) - we have one specspo for everything (this can contain a lot of packages not included in dist).
Questions: - should specspo contain every package we produce or we should make specspo with just packages included in dist? (cvs branches for different releases on elvis can help) - where can I get list of packages included in release? - should we include all extras packages?
Any comment or idea would be appreciated.