Hello fellow translators,
I was wondering if there are any among you with Python and I18N experience who would be willing to help ngettextize Yum, as there are quite a bit of strings in there that are not at all friendly to languages other than English/Western languages.
Have made a request a while ago, but looks like we're expected to do all the hard dev work ;)
P.S. Seriously, this second-class, ad hoc approach to I18N and L10N in Fedora is getting a bit old...
2008/11/3 Miloš Komarčević kmilos@gmail.com:
P.S. Seriously, this second-class, ad hoc approach to I18N and L10N in Fedora is getting a bit old...
Hey Miloš,
I hear you -- this is what the actions we took the past year are trying to fix. I believe we did have some progress, and I agree there are more things we can do.
I'm not sure if everyone who can do something about it has enough input to consider the importance of translations. When we started mentioning percentages (more than 50% use a translated desktop, etc) quite a few folks jumped in and started giving attention to i18n, our tools and processes. Maybe a more elaborate email to fedora-advisory-board could help more, explaining the disadvantages of our current approach and proposing solutions and their benefits.