--- noriko がトピックを変更しました: Fedora Localization Group meeting -- Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Meetings#agenda -- Init <noriko> Noriko Mizumoto (ja) <-- wwoods has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <runa_b> Runa Bhattacharjee (bn_IN) <MostafaDaneshvar> Mostafa Daneshvar (bal) <couf> Bart Couvreur (nl) <ankit> Ankit Patel (gu) <-- mcepl (n=mcepl@49-117-207-85.strcechy.adsl-llu.static.bluetone.cz) has left #fedora-meeting <vpv> Ville-Pekka Vainio (fi) <noriko> who gonna take a char? <couf> go ahead noriko <noriko> ok * couf in following mode, need to get back up to speed first --> mxcarron (n=maxime@fedora/Pingoomax) has joined #fedora-meeting <noriko> Fedora Localization Group meeting -- Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Meetings#agenda -- New Transifex, any issue? <noriko> Transifex is working for you? any issue to be spotlight? <vpv> it doesn't show diffs yet, which is a know todo item, or so I've been told <noriko> what level of impact is it? <vpv> if the translators are careful when editing po files, I guess not that big, but it would help noticing things like messages you've accidentally removed or something <ankit> FYI, all the issues or feature requests (not Fedora specific, only transifex specific) can be filed as ticket via http://transifex.org/newticket <ankit> vpv: did you get a chance to inform glezos or diego or a ticket? <noriko> ankit: cool, vpv make sure your request is there. if not please file a ticket. <vpv> ankit: yes, I've talked to both glezos and diego on IRC <couf> any reason why tx is not the standard landing page yet on translate.fp.o? <ankit> ah okay, then must be in their TODO list <ankit> couf: because there is infrastructure freeze now <ankit> and <ankit> so, what we have planned to do is <ankit> we are going to put the banner on the first page (home page : translate.fedoraproject.org) , which will point to the new Tx <-- tdiehl has quit ("Leaving") <couf> ankit: yes, that's in place right now <ankit> and that may take a week maximum, depending upon the infrastructure team's freeze break request acceptance <ankit> oh great, it was quick <noriko> anymore Tx issue? or everyone is happy with new Tx, yes? <MostafaDaneshvar> Tx is great, especially 'lock'. <noriko> Fedora Localization Group meeting -- Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Meetings#agenda -- F11 Schedule, any change? * runa_b misses the FLP logo on that page though <runa_b> oops sorry noriko <noriko> oh, runa_b you are right. --- knurd は knurd_afk にニックを変更しました <noriko> ankit, may have an tip? <runa_b> ankit: would the infra freeze stop the addition of the FLP logo to the tx landing page at the moment? <ankit> not sure... <tombolinux> MostafaDaneshvar: I agree <runa_b> noriko: ankit .. hmm perhaps we could check with glezos/diego or file a bug about it <ankit> yep, will talk to them <vpv> runa_b: I guess it's a low-risk change, so probably not, but the one doing it would need to ask for a freeze break permission on the infra-list <ankit> thx <ankit> but to me it looks difficult to break the freeze immediately once again <runa_b> vpv: ahh ok. Thanks <runa_b> ankit: nod. in anycase.. its a cosmetic change. but probably high impact for the look and feel. <runa_b> it can surely wait until things settle down :) <ankit> :) --> tdiehl (n=tdiehl@tigger.tntechs.com) has joined #fedora-meeting <noriko> Let me recap shcedule. <noriko> http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-11/f-11-trans-tasks.html <noriko> Translate Release Notes (POT to PO) Fri 2009-04-03 <noriko> Software Translation Deadline (PO Files complete) Tue 2009-04-0 <vpv> 2009-04-07 <noriko> ops thanks:) <noriko> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=490056 <buggbot> Bug 490056: medium, low, ---, xavi.conde, NEW, Ensuring up-to-date POT & PO Tracking Bug <noriko> 5 bigs in gray --- oget_zzz は oget にニックを変更しました <noriko> 5 bugs! <noriko> those may change their status lately. <-- gregdek has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) <runa_b> noriko: 'Translate Release Notes (POT to PO) Fri 2009-04-03' => is this the last date to complete translation of release notes? <noriko> runa_b: it is start date. <vpv> the end date is Tue 2009-04-14 <runa_b> ahh ok <runa_b> thanks noriko vpv <runa_b> errm sorry... i had missed the POT to PO part <noriko> This is very last date to look at, Translation Deadline: **GA rel-notes (PO Files complete) Fri 2009-05-08 <noriko> Fedora Localization Group meeting -- Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Meetings#agenda -- Open floor / AOB (any other business) <vpv> noriko: good point. also the website translation deadline is at Mon 2009-05-25 <noriko> vpv, thanks follow-up, yes that is right! <runa_b> so effectively 25/5 is the pen-down date for all F11 translations ... <noriko> runa_b: yes. apart from 0-day <noriko> Translation Deadline: 0-Day (PO Files complete) Thu 2009-06-04 <noriko> This comes after GA for translation <runa_b> docs.fedoraproject.org? <runa_b> ahh ok. got it <noriko> rel-notes :-) <noriko> AOB? <-- che has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) <couf> not here * runa_b has none either <vpv> I would especially like to bring up the anaconda issue, https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=484784 <buggbot> Bug 484784: medium, low, ---, anaconda-maint-list, NEW, anaconda.pot out of date <vpv> that's quite an important package and the po(t) files have not been refreshed yet * noriko nods <vpv> probably not much we can do about it since it's up to the developers, but anyway <runa_b> either way the string freeze would be broken when the file gets refreshed :( <noriko> what is the best approach on this? --> mbacovsk (n=mbacovsk@okr2fw.topnet.cz) has joined #fedora-meeting <MostafaDaneshvar> 'fa' members are not satisfied with their coordinator. They asked me to mention it. <couf> noriko, vpv: escalation to rel-eng or fesco? <-- tibbs has quit ("Konversation terminated!") <noriko> couf: that would be good option. <noriko> k, if no other option then let's escalate <runa_b> MostafaDaneshvar: who is your coordinator? <MostafaDaneshvar> runa_b: amk --> glezos (n=mits@fedora/glezos) has joined #fedora-meeting <glezos> hi all. Came up late since I got caught in a meeting. <runa_b> MostafaDaneshvar: do you have any specific complaints about the dissatisfaction? <noriko> glezos: welcome! <runa_b> hey glezos <-- sonargal has quit ("used jmIrc") --> tomspur (n=tomspur@p5B20E293.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined #fedora-meeting <MostafaDaneshvar> runa_b: not offering sponsorship to users join to 'Fa' --- stickster_afk は stickster にニックを変更しました <noriko> MostafaDaneshvar: is he active? <runa_b> i don't see him listed as a sponsor here: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/GroupSponsors <MostafaDaneshvar> runa_b: /me never see him :D <MostafaDaneshvar> noriko: nay <noriko> runa_b: he is registered as Coordinator. <noriko> MostafaDaneshvar: did you try to wake him up? <MostafaDaneshvar> noriko: he doesn't know that he can sponsor users. He told one of the guy it is not my duty :d <MostafaDaneshvar> noriko: we have some discussion about it in our local list --> wwoods (n=wwoods@nat/redhat/x-53d1092113b0db8e) has joined #fedora-meeting <runa_b> MostafaDaneshvar: earlier the sponsorship used to be handled by a group of administrators. things changed recently to include the team coordinators as sponsors. <runa_b> MostafaDaneshvar: So perhaps you could check with your local team and coordinator about the changes <glezos> MostafaDaneshvar: can you invite the coordinator on #fedora-l10n so that we can discuss it live? <tombolinux> this is the best method... <MostafaDaneshvar> glezos: those days holiday in Iran. I'll send him another email. <glezos> MostafaDaneshvar: great. After talking with him you can communicate with the local community and decide together. <MostafaDaneshvar> glezos: I think he is going to step down, as I read the fa-list. /me not sure <-- ankit has quit ("Off for the day !!!") <-- Sonar_Guy has quit ("Leaving") <noriko> all it is going to be late in Pune. <-- kital has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) <noriko> MostafaDaneshvar: ping us, when you get him. <MostafaDaneshvar> noriko: k <noriko> thanks MostafaDaneshvar <noriko> If no more AOB, we will close the meeting?! --> ChitleshGoorah (n=chitlesh@d54C48C73.access.telenet.be) has joined #fedora-meeting * MostafaDaneshvar thanks all and noriko <-- tkjacobsen has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) <tombolinux> Thank-you * runa_b has no AOB <couf> nope, close away <noriko> 3 <noriko> 2 <noriko> ....1 * glezos was wondering if there were any Qs to answer on L10n admin stuff <glezos> but ok -- we can take them in #fedora-l10n <runa_b> :) <noriko> Fedora Localization Group meeting -- Agenda: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/Meetings#CLOSED