NB: This is Fedora Localization Meeting, not FLSCo meeting. Every one of translators are encouraged to join. (Previous subject was mistakenly named FLSCo meeting by noriko - apology)
Attendees: ------------- * <runa_b> Runa Bhattacharjee (bn_IN) * <MostafaDaneshvar> Mostafa Daneshvar (bal) * <couf> Bart Couvreur (nl) * <ankit> Ankit Patel (gu) * <vpv> Ville-Pekka Vainio (fi) * <noriko> Noriko Mizumoto (ja)
Summary: ----------- 1. New Transifex, any issue? * it doesn't show diffs yet => TODO list (http://transifex.org/report/3) * any reason why tx is not the standard landing page yet on translate.fp.o? => we are going to put the banner on the first page (home page : translate.fedoraproject.org) , which will point to the new Tx * misses the FLP logo on that page => raised to l10n admin by ankit * Over all new TX =>All are happy
2. F11 Schedule http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-11/f-11-trans-tasks.html * Some packages may change status lately https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=490056 * No update for anaconda, we will escalate https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=484784
3. Open floor / AOB (any other business) * 'fa' members are not satisfied with their coordinator, not offering sponsorship to users join to 'Fa'. => invite the coordinator on #fedora-l10n so that we can discuss it live