неділя, 14-сер-2016 09:19:15 Alex Eng написано:
Hi, There is a bug in the current instance of Zanata. The last percentage update cannot be shown in the group statistics. Ex. (wrong numbers are shown in the middle languages list): https://fedora.zanata.org/iteration/view/cockpit/master/ languages/uk?dswid=-7435 https://fedora.zanata.org/iteration/view/freeipa/master/ languages/uk?dswid=6636 https://fedora.zanata.org/iteration/view/libvirt/master/ languages/uk?dswid=4026 It seems that we can ignore this for now. Hope it will be fixed some day.
Hi, I've checked any everything seems to be in 100%. Can you please confirm that again?
Yes, now it's ok. Thanks for your work.
Best regards, Yuri