On dl, 2004-06-28 at 08:17, Bernd Groh wrote:
Josep Puigdemont schrieb:
On Sat, 2004-06-26 at 08:16, Bernd Groh wrote:
If there were translation teams, and I was the coordinator of my team...
Isn't that the case? Do you want to be the maintainer of all modules for catalan now or not? I haven't heard any objections, so it's yours for the taking. :)
I wanted to ask the other Catalan translators who are not subscribed here for comments, if they had any objections, etc, in our own mailing list (fedora at softcatala dot org). Although I haven't done that yet, I did apply as a maintainer for dist module (I was too lazy to go over all modules and apply for each one of them).
Hmmm, I didn't get any request. :( I'll look into it.
I've sent you an email about this. I did the request the 26th of June, but I'm not in a hurry about this, don't worry :)
No, I didn't spot any flaws, a lot of your suggestions have already been put in place with the new system. And that exactly is it what puzzles me. Given you've just suggested a lot of things that we've just put in place with the new status pages, why again is it that it is criticized so much? Why even do people say it nullifies existing translation teams?
Because they are not mentioned at all, nor they seem to be encouraged,
Well, they weren't mentioned before, and as I read it, was most of the critique addressed particularly against the new status pages. Or was the critique not addressed at the new status pages in particular, but "now" or "new status pages" actually referred to "then" and "since the beginning"? If that's the case, why not say so explicitly, why blame the newest change? At least then I would have understood what you are on about and could have simply agreed with you straight away.
For me it was not about the status pages, I was just worried about consistency and not having teams. I obviously missled you if I made you think otherwise. I think we agree in most of the thinks, though.
and because if I am a new translator I wouldn't know who to contact to (GNOME tells me very clearly to check for my team's coordinator). I don't think that what Christian meant was that teams can not be implemented, I think he meant that teams are not needed at all, thus will hardly be created, because you have to consider that translation teams have lots of translators with the best intentions that get tired too quickly (at least in my short experience).
Can you understand though, that it is hard for me to tell what is meant if the new status pages are blamed in particular? I believe, that the new status pages were simply a trigger, however, I am still not entirely sure.
Neither am I at this point!! well, summer is here and it seems that the waters are calm again, so I'm not going to "put more wood to the fire" (as we say).
If the path you're going is the path we are going, maybe we should also know what the future plans are, and the direction we're taking.
Of course, we want to get team pages up. And maybe that should be the next step, together with creating mailing lists for the individual languages. We all want that, Fedora wants that. Otherwise, I have to
How would that work for already established teams that already have mailing lists? Should they change to a Red Hat one? Would Fedora allow having lists outside Fedora? (our current list is fedora at softcatala dot org, which is open to everybody)
continue with how *I*'d do things, and that is *not* to be taken as any plans Fedora may have, it's what would happen if I had a say. I am not going to deny someone cvs access unless I have a person that I can make
implemented with the new upgrade. I simply won't restrict anyone cvs access until we're fully organized, that's all. :)
Ok, why not speed it up a bit, then? How can we help?
Seems to me that the crowds want teams. Then make a poll and check if that is so, and if it is, let's try to organize teams... Make a call for team building, or just look who's been committing for each language to find out who could be a maintainer (ask them to be maintainers, as you wanted us to ask translators to become part of our teams, I know you already did), or who could be a member of a team... Look the headers of the po files for email addresses of translators, see if they are subscribed here, maybe you could invite them to (maybe thank them for their work too)...
No poll required, I believe team pages are necessary. How you can help? Well, maybe you can look at who's been commiting for each language and
I'd gladly do that if it wasn't because I am on vacations on a remote town without a regular Internet connection (I connect at night when my GF is not looking, geeee! how was life before the Internet?! :)
email me the list? :) Or, at least, and that's what everyone can help with, see who's been committing for your language, ask them to join this mailing list and speak up, and not just if things aren't the way they want them to be. And, thank you!
I think I did that, but I'll tell them again.
I think that whatever the methodology/system for translations is going to be, it should be discussed in this list. Like I think this new method should have been discussed here too before being implemented. I mean, it is us (translators should be subscribed here) to whom it affect, and yet we didn't know about it until it appeared (at least I didn't).
Sounds reasonable. The participants of the individual mailing list will
What are those individual mailing lists, anyway?
then have to post every system related issue that comes up also to this list though, since I couldn't do it, even if I wanted too. :) Maybe you can ask them to post all system related requests to this list? Thank you!
No need to cross post anything, from Fedora's web site: "The place to discuss general translation issues is fedora-trans-list." So let be it :)
I can't be subscribed to all mailing lists to see what's going to happen with Fedora's translation system.
I'll keep you up to date.