Contributors are tracked on the top of each PO file. The CLA is signed in Tx itself.

I guess it's up to each person, or language team I suppose, if they want an alias or other benefits..


On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 12:24 AM, Gianluca Sforna <> wrote:
Formerly, the cvsl10n group was used to track people in the
translations teams but with the move to transifex I was told this is
basically obsolete.

However, I realized if we (italian team) stop using it and just add
people to the transifex team these new contributors will not have any
FAS group attached to them and as a result will not count as
contributors. Hence, they will not have a alias,
nor be able to vote in elections, and other "benefits"

So, what is the correct way to deal with FAS on our l10n teams?


(Italian team coordinator)

Gianluca Sforna -
trans mailing list

Dimitris Glezos
Founder & CEO, Transifex