Name: Alex Puchades
Location: Valencia, Spain
Login: alex94puchades
Language: Spanish, Catalan

About You:
After more than 8 years as a FLOSS user/enthusiast, I wanted to contribute to this great project that is Fedora. Though my current degree does not have much to do with IT in general (I'm a med student), I'm also a hobbyist programmer (C, C++, python,...), and, until I get more free time and eventually become a package maintainer, I wanted to help with localization to get a feel of what community working looks like.

GPG KEYID and fingerprint:
pub   4096R/4B6775FB 2015-02-14
Key fingerprint = A79F 3BF2 C073 F353 6979  017F 930F 9F0B 4B67 75FB
uid = Alejandro C Puchades <>
sub   4096R/1727E6CD 2015-02-14