2015-12-02 13:33 GMT+01:00 Robert Mayr <robyduck@fedoraproject.org>:
2015-12-02 8:29 GMT+01:00 Jean-Baptiste <jean-baptiste@holcroft.fr>:

Le 01/12/2015 21:10, Máximo Castañeda a écrit :
2015-12-01 15:51 GMT+01:00 Göran Uddeborg <goeran@uddeborg.se>:
In the po file for translating getfedora.org there is a message:

   There's more to

On the web page, this is followed by the Fedora logotype as an image.
Effectively, the logotype becomes the final word in the sentence.

The most natural translation of this to Swedish would start with the
word fedora.  I made a trac request to have this message changed to
include the reference to the logotype.  See


"Robyduck" answered and was a bit concerned that this meant all teams
would have to update their translations.  In my opinion, it is worth
it.  The translations could become more correct.  Do you agree with
me, fellow translators, this is something we want?

It's not an issue as it is for Spanish, as the image-word happens to
be where it should with the chosen translation.  But I do agree that
the strings should be full sentences if possible, so +1 for the
change.  Not only that, but I also think that the alt text for that
image should be "fedora" or "Fedora", not "fedora logo", and that it
should be kept in the change.

Also, note to self: be more careful with this stuff. I hadn't noticed
that string as problematic, and there may be more.

Regarding the "difficult" string with most of it being an image tag
with attributes that should not be translated, well, there are other
-maybe easier- strings with tags.  And po files accept comments to
help translators, automatically extracted when generating the pot (at
least in some programming languages, I don't know for sure in whatever
they are using).  And we have already been warned in this thread and
that ticket.  And he'll surely tell us again when he announces the
change to the list.  And maybe he can use an xml entity to hide that
all so that we just see "There\'s more to &RUNNINGIMAGEOFFEDORANAME;."

So the only issue I can see is that any change would mean that those
that now have the string translated will have to retranslate or go
back to English there.  Shouldn't a notice to the list and maybe a
week or two be enough for that?  I'm quite new here.  I know I would
notice and translate the new string, but I don't know about resources
for other, maybe smaller locales.
trans mailing list
Same problem in French translation.

Can we plan a code push in a few days, maybee after the week-end ?
The 6th or 7th of december so everybody can take the opportunity to make a more global review ?

Jean-Baptiste Holcroft

Yes if you want I can push this friday, so people can update the string over the weekend which in some countries is a long one.
I'll also see if we can add comments for trickier strings, the actual setup doesn't permit it.
Thank you for your feedback.

Robert Mayr

Pushed. Thank you again.

Robert Mayr