2015-12-06 0:07 GMT+01:00 Piotr Drąg <piotrdrag@gmail.com>:
2015-12-05 23:45 GMT+01:00 Robert Mayr <robyduck@fedoraproject.org>:
>> Should be fixed and up now ;)
>> I saw another issue there, but to fix it I need to change the scripts a
>> bit. The 'x days ago' part in the two weeks message is still in english,
>> because it's produced by the script.
> Ok, script should also be better now. Please tell me if something still is
> not as desired.
> Thanks.

Looks much better, but the string in
is still untranslatable, as well as all of these strings in their
"prereleases" versions.

Best regards,

Piotr Drąg

Well yes, these strings are not used for now and we don't know if we need them in the near future. For now the two weeks images are for stable releases only.

Robert Mayr