Hi List, 

I am a new member and want to contribute to the translation of fedora projects. 

Name: Shumin Guo (郭树民)
Location: Fairborn, OH, USA
Login: gsm1011
Language: Chinese
I am currently a Student.

About me: I am a graduate student at Wright State University, Dayton, OH. I have been using fedora OS for over 8 years, I want to contribute back to the open source community. 
Me and the fedora project: I am also interested in the development of the fedora project such as virtualization packages etc. My current research is related to cloud computing, and we use a lot of open source softwares both in projects and research. 


fingerprint: 9497 30E6 D27E 5563 31DD  0E87 14D1 EB14 14C5 D7DA
