Matthew Miller <> 於 2014年11月6日星期四寫道:
On Thu, Nov 06, 2014 at 06:48:26AM +0800, Cheng-Chia Tseng wrote:
> > Hey everyone. I don't know if this has come up already, but: names of
> > the new variants should not be translated. That is:
> >  * Fedora Workstation
> >  * Fedora Server
> >  * Fedora Cloud
> But people don't know too much about English in my country. Easy words are
> OK while technical terms might be a problem.
> It is odd to keep them untranslated as workstation, server and cloud are
> all common words in speech.

That's actually somewhat part of the problem. We want to keep them as
part of the name, not separate merely-descriptive words. Hopefully in
most cases there will be accompanying text which _is_ translatable.

That would be better.

By the way, we don't see organization or company use common words as brand name.

Quite a lot companies and organizations (and project names) use common English word.
e.g. Fedora, Red Hat, Oracle, Apple, ...
If you want to include the join-words, there are ever more like
facebook, Microsoft ...

Some make sense to translate, some don't, it all depends.
e.g. Red Hat is translated as "紅帽", Firefox is translated as "火狐"
But I have yet see any convention to translate "Fedora" in Chinese yet.

IMHO, it is better to let each translation team to decide whether to translate or not.
They may already have some convention for whether to translate "Fedora" or "Server".

If you are worry about web search result, fear not, state-of-art search engine can already
map these together.

Ding-Yi Chen
Software Engineer
Internationalization Group
DID: +61 7 3514 8239

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