
nds:nds-DE seems to be correct!



On Mon, 05 Sep 2011 15:28:26 +0200, Richard van der Luit wrote:


Op 05-09-11 01:04, Petr Kovar schreef:
Hi Fedora translators! Could you guys please confirm that the following language mapping list for the Fedora docs includes correct language and region codes? lang_map = aln:aln-AL, ar:ar-SA, as:as-IN, bal:bal-PK, bg:bg-BG, bn:bn-BD, bn_IN:bn-IN, bs_BA:bs-BA, ca:ca-ES, cs:cs-CZ, da:da-DK, de_CH:de-CH, de:de-DE, el:el-GR, en_GB:en-GB, es:es-ES, fa:fa-IR, fi:fi-FI, fr:fr-FR, gu:gu-IN, he:he-IL, hi:hi-IN, hr:hr-HR, hu:hu-HU, id:id-ID, is:is-IS, it:it-IT, ja:ja-JP, kn:kn-IN, ko:ko-KR, lt:lt-LT, mai:mai-IN, ml:ml-IN, mr:mr-IN, ms:ms-MY, nb:nb-NO, nds:nds-DE, nl:nl-NL, nn:nn-NO, or:or-IN, pa:pa-IN, pl:pl-PL, pt_BR:pt-BR, pt:pt-PT, ro:ro-RO, ru:ru-RU, si:si-LK, sk:sk-SK, sl:sl-SI, sq:sq-AL, sr:sr-RS, sr@latin:sr-Latn-RS, sv:sv-SE, ta:ta-IN, te:te-IN, tr:tr-TR, uk:uk-UA, ur:ur-PK, vi:vi-VN, zh_CN:zh-CN, zh_HK:zh-HK, zh_TW:zh-TW To reduce maintenance burden on the Fedora guide owners, I'd like to come up with a sort of canonical mapping list that could be shared between multiple guides, branches and repositories. On another note, I was wondering what is Fedora translators' opinion on not publishing docs translations that are below a certain threshold level, say 15% or 25%? I realized it would be worth asking you translators while I was working on updating POT files and syncing translations for the Deployment Guide, since the most complete translation for this guide is currently at ca. 10%. I know that translators can publish their translated documents themselves, if they want to and have been added to the right permission group, anyway. I'm however not sure how many people in the Fedora translation teams actually do this. I'm CC'ing the Fedora docs list on this message. Thanks, Petr Kovar -- trans mailing list trans@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/trans
Mapping for nl looks fine. -- trans mailing list trans@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/trans