The reason was zanata-cli can't find source files (pot) in your directory.

I suggest instead of downloading the zip and trying to push, I would use zanata-cli to pull both source and trans `zanata-cli pull --pull-type both`
Make your edit, and use `zanata-cli push --push-type trans --locales fr`.

On Fri, May 6, 2016 at 5:32 PM, Jean-Baptiste <> wrote:
Hi there,

A contributor translated many strings in documentation, and I notice many double spaces.

I downloaded the zip file with all po :

I get one folder with a zanata.xml and a sub-folder name fr.
In a terminal, I use "grep '  ' ./*" and get the list of files to correct. (It's and approximation since text in po files are cut in a few lines)

I use poedit and make search and replace in one of the files. Save and close software. (to install : # dnf install poedit)

Then I use zanata-cli. (to install : # dnf install zanata-client)
Note : you have to create a zanata.ini with the help of your personnal setting page

I kept it simple :
# zanata-cli push
> [INFO] No source documents found.
[WARN] Found 48 obsolete docs on the server which will be DELETED
[INFO] Obsolete docs: [After_Installation, Author_Group, Book_Info, Boot_Options, Booting_the_Installation, CustomSpoke, CustomSpoke_AddBtrfs, CustomSpoke_AddLVM, CustomSpoke_AddPhysical, CustomSpoke_FileSystems, CustomSpoke_PartitioningAdvice, CustomSpoke_RecommendedScheme, CustomSpoke_SoftwareRAID, DateTimeSpoke, Disk_Partitions, Downloading_Fedora, FilterSpoke, FilterSpoke_AddFCoE, FilterSpoke_AddiSCSI, InitialSetupHub, Installation_Guide, Installing_Using_Anaconda, Introduction, KdumpSpoke, KeyboardSpoke, Kickstart_Installations, Kickstart_Syntax_Reference, LangSupportSpoke, NetworkSpoke, NetworkSpoke_EditConnection, NetworkSpoke_VirtualInterfaces, Network_based_Installations, PasswordSpoke, Preface, Preparing_for_Installation, ProgressHub, Revision_History, SoftwareSpoke, SourceSpoke, StorageSpoke, StorageSpoke_BootLoader, SummaryHub, Troubleshooting, Understanding_LVM, Upgrading_Your_Current_System, UserSpoke, VNC_Installations, WelcomeSpoke]
[?] This will overwrite existing source documents on the server, and delete obsolete documents.

Are you sure (y/n)?

Well, this was unexpected, I answered no.
Let's go to help ! # zanata-cli push --help
Ok, many things possible, lit's try --push-type trans

Let's go :
# zanata-cli push --push-type trans
[INFO] No source documents found.
[INFO] no documents in module: ; nothing to do

Ok, I did something wrong.
Let's pull before push.

zanata-cli pull --locales fr
Ok, it get everything. I redo my modification with poedit, save and close software.

I tried the following commands, both told me it was going to delete files from server :
zanata-cli push
zanata-cli push --locales fr

I tried the following commands, both told me nothing has to be done :
zanata-cli push --push-type trans
zanata-cli push --push-type trans --locales fr

Does someone can teach me what's the good way to do this ?

Thanks for your help
Jean-Baptiste Holcroft
trans mailing list

Alex Eng