Hello everyone!

I would like to interject for a moment... to introduce myself.

I'm Andrey (or Andrew, it doesn't matter to me that much) from Saint-Petersburg, Russia.

Login: lazycarrot

Language: Russian

Profession: I'm a finance manager at one of the Societe Generale's russian divisions. Also recently I've started to help our IT technicians deploy, maintain and teach people how to use Linux machines for remote work, because of this whole COVID situation.

About: I'm a huge GNU/Linux (will be referred as 'Linux' since) enthusiast since 2013, when I tried my first Linux distro (it was Arch, you can guess how smooth the process went for a newcomer), but I was such impressed with what you can do and how open and customizable this system actually is, I never went back to Win nor Mac. I also like to play games some times, like Batman or The Witcher series, so I'm really exited about Valve's effort to make gaming on Linux better thanks to Proton and their ACO compiler for AMD graphics. Fedora is my distro of choice since 2015, and this is (for me at least) by far the best Linux distribution. It's customizable, stable while having fresh enough packages, and in most cases, just works out of the box.

Me and Fedora Project: I'm not very good at programming, so the best thing I could do is helping Fedora by translating everything I possibly could to my native. I would be also interested at translating documentation, but as far as I understand, it's part of the docs project.

GPG: I hope you don't mind copy-pasted terminal here:

[andrew@amdPC ~]$ gpg --fingerprint 36EE08B8E6D64CB7
pub   rsa2048 2020-05-11 [SC]
      5CF7 B9B4 57BE 1645 FCED  2598 36EE 08B8 E6D6 4CB7
uid         [  абсолютно ] Andrey Fomin (StP, Russia, SG) <general.aaf@gmail.com>
sub   rsa2048 2020-05-11 [E]

Thanks everyone and have a nice day!