Yes +1

This relates to what Matthew mentioned in his Flock keynote about tracking Fedora usage and how to do that.

This could provide so much valuable information, so I really hope some will work on this.


On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 10:08 PM Rafal Luzynski <> wrote:
An interesting question has been asked during the I18N track of
the last Flock: can we tell how many Fedora users actually use
a specific (human) language? This would help us answer the questions

* do the translations increase the number of Fedora users?
* are there languages not really used by Fedora users?

This seems easy to measure if we are able to count the number of
downloads of specific packages, here langpacks would be interesting,
as a percentage of total Fedora installs. Note that the total sum
would probably be larger than 100% because an individual computer may
have multiple langpacks installed and also because a single IP may be
shared by multiple computers. This is still OK.

CC'ing Matthew Miller who collects and presents many Fedora statistics.


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Jens Petersen
Associate Manager
i18n Software Engineering
Emerging Platform Group
Platform Engineering
Osaka, Japan