Noticed another thing:

Fedora media writer translated to "editor Fedora Media". I would choose to not translate the name of the application for now, as it it's name isn't translated when installed.

How do you go about translating this, what is the interface? I'll be glad to try giving a shot at finishing the pt_PT translation this weekend).


2017-06-14 19:33 GMT+01:00 Eduardo H. Silva <>:
Hi to any pt_PT translators out there!

I joined a few months ago to help with translating fedora, but unfortunatelly haven't had much time (mental and otherwise) to really help out. Yesterday the beta of F26 was released, and the pre-release page on the in european portuguese has a misspeling and a wrong translation:

"Transfira o Fedora - terminal de computador"
This is so wrong, "computer terminal"?? I think it should be left untranslated as it's a product's name, but if it's to be translated, it's better "estação de trabalho".

"Quando é que a versão 26 do Fedora vai ser lanaçada" . This one is easy to fix, should be "lançada".
