Hi Stavros, Welcome to the board !

On 6/19/07, Stavros Giannouris <stavrosg@hellug.gr> wrote:

This is a bit delayed, but I thought I should send it anyway.
My name is Stavros Giannouris, and I live in Rodos, Greece.
I studied economics, and now working full time as am accountant

My involment with the Fedora Project is focused on the Greek translation

Previous experience involves the creation of the Greek translation for the
Xfce Desktop, and updates and maintance for the translations of various
other packages, with xchat and Sylpheed-Claws among them.
My GPG key:

pub   1024D/4D278656 2006-03-15
      Key fingerprint = 49D1 BDAD CA07 74EC 7925  98FF 86DD CE87 4D27 8656
uid                  Stavros Giannouris <stavrosg@hellug.gr >
uid                  Stavros Giannouris <stavrosg2002@freemail.gr>
sub   2048g/B4B3AD51 2006-03-15


Fedora-trans-list mailing list

Nayyar Ahmad
RHCE (ID:804006858622745)
Skype: nayyares