Hi Noriko,

My FAS username is rbuj.
I have spoken with Josep Sanchez and he is also interested to become catalan coordinator along with me, his username at FAS is papapep.
Please, add both rbuj and papapep (FAS username's) as catalan team coordinators.
I have forwarded this mail to catalan mailist [1].

[1] - "Traducció al català de la distribució Fedora" <fedora(at)llistes<dot>softcatala[dot]org>



On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 5:45 AM, noriko <noriko@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
Robert Antoni さんは書きました:
> Hi all,
> I would become the new Catalan cvsl10n goup sponsor as of Xavi Conde
> (previous sponsor - [1]) has left that and didn't maintain catalan
> translations since Fedora 12.
Hi Robert
I am unable to locate your FAS user name for upgrading. What is it?

> He has announced that he cannot continue doing that more.
I am strongly hoping that you are also going to become new Catalan team
coordinator. If so please check the following page, and take necessarily
action, replacing previous coordinator with you.

Catalan team members, it would be nice to hear that all of you are happy
with this movement as I can not read Catalan ML.


> [1] - http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N_Teams
> Regards,
> Robert
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> trans mailing list
> trans@lists.fedoraproject.org
> https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/trans

trans mailing list

FQN: Robert Antoni Buj Gelonch
AKA: Robert Buj

Advanced-level training cycle (ca: CFGS) in computer software engineering (ca: DAI) - les Heures, technical academy (SPA)
Computer Science Engineer - University of Lleida (UDL), Lleida (SPA)
Training course in Handel-C & DK design suite - Celoxica Ltd., Abington (UK)
Training course in Xilinx EDK & Microblaze - Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), Madrid (SPA)
Postgraduate Master's degree in .NET Solutions - Open University of Catalonia (UOC), Barcelona (SPA)
Postgraduate Master's degree in FOSS (Free and open source software) (upcoming) - Open University of Catalonia (UOC), Barcelona (SPA)

ca: M'agradaria millorar el món, però Déu no em dóna el codi font!
de: Ich würde gern die Welt verbessern, doch Gott gibt mir den Quellcode nicht!
en: I would like to improve the world, but God didn't give me the source code!
es: Me gustaría mejorar el mundo, pero Dios no me da el código fuente!

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