mån 2003-12-22 klockan 07.41 skrev Josep Puigdemont:
In Kudzu (and other files), I've found strings like this one:
#: ../hwconf.c:68 msgid "" " <Tab>/<Alt-Tab> between elements | <Space> selects | <F12> next " "screen"
Does it matter its length?
If it does, I think it would be good for all translators to have more hints on the comments of each string, like "keep the string shorter than 80 chars", or, "keep the string exactly 78 chars long", or so...
I know this is a hard job to do, but for next applications/strings it could be something to keep in mind by the developer.
I agree a comment is needed, but for it to happen you probably need to enter bug reports at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/ requesting for it to be added for every application that has such a message. The reason is that probably very few of the developers read this list, and very few will probably also remember to add such a comment unless they have a bug report reminding them of it. Feel free to cc: menthos@menthos.com in such bug reports, by the way.
And, what's the policy about all the strings containing "Red Hat Linux", shall these be reported to the list, silently translated as "Fedora", or just keep "Red Hat Linux" for now (as I've done so far)?
I cannot speak for Red Hat (I'm only a volunteer translator myself) but I would be surprised if they wanted translators to change product and brand names at their own will.
If you think a product name is wrong (say, this or that application says "Red Hat Linux" while you suspect "Fedora Core" or "Red Hat Enterprise Linux" would be more correct now) you should probably always bug report that at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/ first, and leave the product name as is in the mean time (as you've done so far). If you bug report the issue in Bugzilla, the developers will know about it and have the possibility to correct the naming, and if it was wrong, the translations can be updated. If it was correct, you've done no harm. :)
Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate it!
I believe "Happy Holidays!" is the more PC variant. :) Happy Holidays!