2011/2/21 Yuri Chornoivan yurchor@ukr.net: [snip]
Please do not get me wrong, but the only thing I wanted to say: "It was the wrong time to change the horses". If it was two (or even one) month ago, I would strongly say "Yes!!!" (just for myself) and did my best to iron out the glitches.
I do not wake up just now. I had a lecture during the session on this question, so could not attend it.
All these things were decided in three days (maybe I missed something?). Some people might not even recognized this (see commits to t.fp.o). There were many discussions last year in this list, but the change in a first day of freeze was just like lightning strike or Micronokia deal (fast and right).
Now I can only say that we have no time before release. I invested MY time into Fedora translation and if now it is just a matter of leaders decision to make a move that will ruin parts of my work... Well, I will do my best to solve the issues, but cannot guarantee that the small team like ours can invest enough of OURS time to make things run as they should in three weeks that left (we did not even see the new documentation).
That's all.
Why we took the decision so quickly? Because many translators think (and start thinking at least for one year) that our instance is not working *efficiently*. Yuri, have you ever spent a *full day* trying to submit 10 files, when it should take at most 10 minutes? It is really slow and working differently for each project/files. Some projects work really well, other don't. Depends of time/people spending time to correct it in the infra side.
Therefor, we needed to have a new platform. Taking the decision was fast because lot of people stepped up and said "yes, we need a solution and I could do that or that!". It was a late decision, but we just can't postpone it every release.
Even if we are in freeze time, we can translate offline. We just need to know where and when we should commit... And to be able to commit.