Hi, Dimitris, Noriko, and other members.

I am trying to proofread by producing the mo file
for system-config-firewall/ja.po because I had to
fix some tags translated by another member.

I followed the instruction in the Quick Guide chap 3.5
but I can't get the mo file in the /usr/share/locale/lang/LC_MESSAGES/.
[khashida@khashida system-config-firewall]$ msgfmt ja.po
[khashida@khashida system-config-firewall]$ ls
ja.po  messages.mo
[khashida@khashida system-config-firewall]$ cp /usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/system-config-firewall.mo system-config-firewall.mo-backup
cp: cannot stat `/usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/system-config-firewall.mo': そのようなファイルやディレクトリはありません (this means there is no such file or directory)

First of all, mo file which is created is message.po (not system-config-firewall.mo) and
that file does not appear in
/usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/. I tried to change message.mo to
system-config-firewall.mo and put it in the LC_MESSAGES/directory, but it was not possible.
What am I doing wrong ? Could someone correct my mistake ?

Thanks for your help in advance.
Kiyoto (James)

Kiyoto (James) Hashida
Technical Translator 

Red Hat APAC
Level 4, 193 North Quay,
Brisbane  QLD. Australia 
Mail  khashida@redhat.com