Hi Ariela,
Welcome to the team!

On 11 November 2017 at 02:08, Ariela Wenner <sunarisunz@gmail.com> wrote:
Name: Ariela Wenner

Location: Los Polvorines, Argentina

Login: arisunz

Language: Spanish

Status: Self-taught programming student and volunteer
in a social project aimed to provide a safe space
for children in precarious areas.

About You: I never went to an institute to learn, but I've been
in contact with English since I was six years old thanks
to the Internet, videogames and most of the guides for
such videogames being written in English, so for me it feels
as natural as my native language. I'm hoping to contribute
to translation efforts as much as I can!

You and the Fedora Project: I'm part of the x86 SIG and
I'm interested in bringing Linux and open-source values
to the place I'm volunteering for and to the people around

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