2013/10/6 Frank Murphy <frankly3d@fedoraproject.org>
Hi all,

I couldn't see on:

Where to put a request to get a wiki page translated:

I Could supply a list of languages needed for clarity.
Please re-direct me to most suitable area.

That's definitely something that we should think of.
Probably, filing a ticket on trac is the best approach, but I have no idea what's the SOP.

While we don't work something else (in case there is no SOP) I offer this page for people to request translation:

Best regards,

Marcel Ribeiro Dantas,
Biomedical Engineering Researcher at LAIS
Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Healthcare (LAIS-HUOL)

mribeirodantas at fedoraproject.org
mribeirodantas at lais.huol.ufrn.br

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