El sáb., 11 de ago. de 2018 a la(s) 04:35, Remy Jane (remyjane@stura.htw-dresden.de) escribió:
Name: Remy Jane
Location: Dresden, Germany
FAS: remyjane
Language: English to German
Profession or student status: student
About Me:

Hey everyone!

About 10 years ago, I became very interested in the English language and
ever since I had been one of the best in class (and usually bored lol) At
college, I took the C1 English course and I'm able to quickly pick up new

Me and the Fedora Project:

I've been introduced to Fedora recently, when I was looking for a cool
operating system to use on my Think Pad. I didn't want to use the
mainstream option - most likely Windows - and a friend of mine just went
ahead and installed Fedora. He was convinced I'd like it - he was right :)

Also, the people I met at Flock are so cool, welcoming and open. Although,
I'm just a "plain user" so far I didn't feel excluded or anything. So, I'd
love to become officially part of this community.

Let me know what I have to do to become a part of your group and the

I'm looking forward to read from some of you soon :)

Best Regards,

Remy Jane

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Hello Remy,

Welcome to Fedora translation list.

Omar Berroteran (noOne)