Hi all

I am fedora-trans-ja maintainer, Noriko.
Fedora-trans-ja have received several questions regarding general translation at fedora-trans-ja as follows.
These might be useful for other languages, so that I decided to copy the questions here and answer.
The questions have been translated into English, so originator of questions, please correct me if mistranslated.
Please, all langs maintainers, add any information which is not in my answer, or correct me if I am wrong.

Q. Do you have the schedule which shows the detail of documentation for translation?
Sorry I myself have no idea. Please anyone give us some idea.
However I can say, if you subscribe fedora-docs-list, you will be able to know what documentation have been under construction.

Q. What would be differenct from current contents (incl. fedora-docs)
The difference is the defference developed between Core1 and 2 so on.
If you ask this question at fedora-docs-list, there must be more precise answer provided.

Q. Please give information which contents will not be revised, such as Fedora Core 1 Release Note.
Core1 has been released, so that it's release note is not changed.
Basically most documentation will be maintained along with the development,
which means some translation work for modified area may be required.
Again at fedora-docs-list, you might be able to get detailed answer.

Q. What kind of plan is in progress internally?
web page for each lang, which will be given to each lang community
cvs repository for each lang, which allows translators start to work all documentation

Q. Which materials will not be available by due date?
Software translation environment is ready.
Other documentation will be up to docs team.
Usually docs team used to prepare and finalize documentation,
and then they have dropped them which are required translation work to trans team.

Q. Is there any cvs-log like mailing list exist, such as http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=3696706&forum_id=33210 ?
Maintainer, at where can we make this kind of question???

I thank your questions.
