On 8/20/07, Yuan Yijun <bbbush.yuan@gmail.com> wrote:

It seems Urdu has its own team. The locale is "ur". This statistics


Shows that a translator of Urdu is

"Last-Translator: Usman Siraj Sheikh |usman.siraj  at gmail.com|\n"
"Language-Team: SCS GIFT UNIVERSITY (http://cs.gift.edu.pk ) |urdu."
"desktop  at gmail.com |\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"X-Poedit-Language: Urdu\n"
"X-Poedit-Country: Pakistan\n"

Then do you mind to join this team? Contact Usman please.

The wiki page http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/URDUDict doesn't exist
yet, so a translation is not available AFAIK.

bbbush ^_^

Fedora-trans-list mailing list

Sure why not... But i couldn't understand that what is the difference between



http://translate.fedoraproject.org/languages/ur/fedora-8  page?

Does the first one represents global flp teamsand work and the second one shows just for f8. why not it shows the team and completed work on teh 1st page?

Mustafa Qasim
Lahore, Pakistan
Cell: 0321-6614972
URL: http://www.mustu.info

Registered Linux User# 441709.