I'm Ricardo Pinto, live in Aveiro, the Venice of Portugal.
My FAS username is ricardopinto, and I've already been approved to
cvsl10n group.
I'm an informatics teacher, working with programming languages (Pascal,
C, VB, Java), configured and maintain schools site (Joomla), configured
and maintain a Linux server that provide Moodle to school.
Completed a degree in Electronics and Computer Science at the University
of Aveiro in 2004. Had some contact Unix and Linux, but began more
seriously later with Fedora Core 4.
I've already collaborated in the translation of some software, but never
with the l10n or with another distribution of Linux.
Reading English is like to read Portuguese to me (much better than the
writing...), so I'm here to help!
Best Regards,
Ricardo Pinto
[ricardo@ASUSPC ~]$ gpg --fingerprint 65F1250F
pub 1024D/65F1250F 2009-02-01
Key fingerprint = CBE0 DDD9 2071 F256 9DA5 1D57 098F A5A6 65F1
uid Ricardo Jorge Loureiro Bigote Pinto
sub 2048g/65EAB261 2009-02-01