Greetings to all!
My name is Andrey Gordeev, I'm using Fedora/RedHat/CentOS on servers
and desktop computers since FC4 (migrated from FreeBSD :-)
I believe I can help in Fedora L10n (localization) Project. My native
language is Russian, and, of course, I plan to join corresponding l10n
branch project.
Here is a short self-introduction:
I'm living in Moscow, Russia (Timezone - "Europe/Moscow", UTC/GMT +3 hours).
I'm working as system administrator (RedHat/CentOS) and program
developer (perl,php,Java, C#-mono)
I'm never worked for any OpenSource project, but, I have experience in
translation/localization OpenSource programs for local company usage.
May be, I can also help Fedora in Docs or Websites (or other ;-)
projects , it's interesting, but I'm not sure (have not much time)
FAS username - dreyou
GPG KEYID and fingerprint - E171DA89, E33B CA59 8E95 261B 5BF1 FC82
5BF1 B0A7 E171 DA89
Andrey Gordeev aka Dreyou.