      我正在翻译Koji/ServerHowTo [1],基本上翻译完了。但是其中涉及到了Kerberos认证的知识,我不太熟悉这部分内容。大家帮忙看看下面这段话
You will need the following principals extracted to a keytab for a fully kerborised configuration, the requirement for a host key for the koji-hub is currently hard coded into the koji client.
  • host/kojihub@EXAMPLE.COM
    • Used by the koji-hub server when communicating with the koji client
  • HTTP/kojiweb@EXAMPLE.COM
    • Used by the koji-web server when performing a negotiated Kerberos authentication with a web browser. This is a service principal for Apache's mod_auth_kerb.
  • koji/kojiweb@EXAMPLE.COM
    • Used by the koji-web server during communications with the koji-hub. This is a user principal that will authenticate koji-web to Kerberos as "koji/kojiweb@EXAMPLE.COM". Koji-web will proxy the mod_auth_kerb user information to koji-hub (theProxyPrincipals koji-hub config option).


[1]  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Koji/ServerHowTo