8 мая 2013 г., 6:18 пользователь Misha Shnurapet <shnurapet@fedoraproject.org> написал:

А у тебя кнопка «Утвердить перевод» (большой палец вверх) недоступна?

Не, у меня только зеленая большая галочка и сразу крестик.
Вот что нам говорит мануал ( http://help.transifex.com/intro/translating.html#translating):

Proofreading translations

Proofreading is a way for project maintainers to control the quality of their translations. Language teams have translators and another user level called Reviewers who are set by the team coordinator or the project maintainer.

Reviewers have all the privileges of the translator level, and additionally they are are responsible for proofreading the translated strings and marking them as reviewed. The process takes place through the web editor by using the checkboxes visible next to each string’s entry. The reviewing interface is only visible to reviewers and project maintainers while translators can only see which strings have been reviewed so far.

Ну и так далее, там еще и картинки есть.

С уважением,

    Игорь Горбунов