Name: Ana Mativi
Location: Porto Alegre, Brazil
Login: mativi
Language: pt_br
Profession or Student status: Undergraduate, Computer Engineering
About You: I'm an undergraduate researcher at the Informatics Institute of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), in the video coding area (more info can be found at [1]).
You and the Fedora Project: I'm engaged in Fedora activities for about a year now. I want to join this team because lots of people need everything to be translated to be able to use Fedora. I'm most active as an ambassador, but I want to contribute to the websites team in the near future as well.
GPG KEYID and fingerprint: pub   2048R/B537B92C 2016-04-25
       Key fingerprint = 0D1A 8EFE 075E 0149 6ABD  2505 8C60 FB48 B537 B92C


Ana Mativi | FAS: Mativi | IRC: anamativi
Fedora Ambassador (Porto Alegre - BRAZIL)