Boa tarde pessoal,

O congelamento das traduções dos websites para release do Fedora 20 Beta chegou ao fim.
Portanto, vocês não irão precisar mais checar o upload de suas traduções no domínio de Staging. Elas serão diariamente atualizadas nos sites do projeto, como informou o Robert Mayr no e-mail abaixo.

Vamos dar esse gás para a release final do Fedora 20 em Dezembro!


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robert Mayr <>
Date: 2013/11/13
Subject: Re: Websites Translations for Fedora 20 Beta
To: trans <>

2013/10/21 Robert Mayr <>:
> Greetings,
> pulling POs to our production websites are now in a freeze to avoid
> overriding translated strings in the last week before Fedora 20 Beta
> Release.
> This means the actual websites won't pull any new translated strings
> to production until Beta will be released. Anyhow you will be able to
> look at your translated strings on our staging instance [1]. All the
> strings will merge into master branch at release time when freeze will
> be over.
> Thanks.
> [1]

Po freeze on the websites is now over, translations are pulled in
regularly to master now, once a day.
Thank you for your work.

Marcel Ribeiro Dantas,
Biomedical Engineering Researcher at LAIS
Laboratory for Technological Innovation in Healthcare (LAIS-HUOL)
mribeirodantas at
mribeirodantas at

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