
For me that should be fine, I going this weekend to Singapore and from there to Jakarta, I should be back 17th or 18th. But its up to Nisa and Kuylim if they can that weekend.

But the fact is since the translation sprint the translation didnt move forward. The timeline for Fedora 24 is out and when we want Fedora in khmer delivered, we need to translate all "main" until march.

br gnokii

2015-12-01 8:02 GMT+07:00 Leap Sok <leap@systemexperts.asia>:
Hi Sirko, 

How about upcoming weeks 19-20 December? 


On Fri, Nov 27, 2015 at 11:26 AM, Sirko Kemter <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> wrote:

Its a few days since the Translation Sprint and there is still a lot to do. The date for Fedora 24 is set to May no, the schedule can be found here:


After the schedule the deadline for translating all software is set to 15th of March, but the date might move a little bit later as F23 was delayed. The translation of main still stucks with 7.04% since the hackfest, there are 93% to go.

I think we have to do another Sprint to win more translators but until then there can be daily translated at least few lines, to move a little bit on.

I am open t suggestions for another Sprint

br Sirko
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