

Fedora 16 は最近の多くの x86 プロセッサーにインストールできます。 (Power PC, System/390 や
ARM のようなプロセッサーに対する SIG (Special Interest Groups) によりサポートされるいくつかの
"セカンダリー・アーキテクチャー" があります。)

依存します。いくつかの設定は Pentium 3 において動作するかもしれませんが、ほとんどのユーザー
は Pentium 4 もしくはそれよりも最新のプロセッサー、もしくは他のベンダーからの互換プロセッサー
を検討しているでしょう。Fedora 16 は、マルチコアのアーキテクチャーの優位性をすべて活用できます。



2011年12月3日12:06 KATO Tomoyuki <tomo@dream.daynight.jp>:


==> Fedora Release Notes / System_Daemons <==

Under systemd, the <command>systemctl</command> command replaces
many operations previously performed by <command>chkconfig</command>,
<command>service</command>, and <command>ntsysv</command>.
In addition, the names of a number of services have changed.

systemd の下では、以前 <command>chkconfig</command>, <command>service</command>,
および <command>ntsysv</command> により実行されていた多くの操作を
 <command>systemctl</command> コマンドが置き換えます。

In Fedora 16, most services are controlled by <application>systemd</application>.
Refer to the Fedora System Administrators Guide, "Services and Daemons"
for information on how to manage system services under <application>systemd</application>.

Fedora 16 では、多くのサービスが <application>systemd</application> により制御されます。
<application>systemd</application> の下でシステムサービスを管理する方法については、
Fedora System Administrators Guide の "Services and Daemons" の章を参照してください。

==>  <==

Fedora 16 may be installed on most "modern" x86 processors.
 (There are some "secondary architectures" supported by special
interest groups for processors like Power PC, System/390 and ARM).

Fedora 16 は多くの "最近の" x86 プロセッサーにインストールできます。
 (Power PC, System/390 や ARM のようなプロセッサーに対する SIG
 (special interest groups) によりサポートされる "二番目のアーキテクチャー" がいくつかあります。)

The minimum processor speed depends on the end use,
the method of installation, and the specific hardware.
Although some configurations might work on a Pentium 3,
most users should consider a Pentium 4 or more modern processor,
or the equivalent processor from other manufacturers.
Fedora 16 is able to take full advantage of modern, multi-core architectures.

ハードウェアに依存します。いくつかの設定は Pentium 3 において動作
するかもしれませんが、ほとんどのユーザーは Pentium 4 またはより最新の
Fedora 16 は、最新でマルチコアのアーキテクチャーの完全な優位性を活用できます。

----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
Following each release we tend to get a rash of bug reports, which we
then correct in git and sometimes even publish on
docs.fedoraproject.org.  This release's bugs ended up adding or changing
a couple of paragraphs, so there is more than the occasional word or two
needing re-translation (although I see Ukranian was completed within a
half-hour of my pushing the POTs).

The bug flow has started to ebb, so this morning I updated the POTs and
published the US English version to docs.fp.o.

With the recent changes, many translators can publish their own
translations, and there is work underway to make it easier to request
publishing, although I don't think that is complete.  In any case, an
email to the docs list can usually get things published pretty quickly.

If those languages which were in the latest RPM get completed, I will
make an update RPM with those languages, as well as any others that were
finished since release.  The original RPM contained Dutch, Japanese,
Simplified Chinese, Russian, Italian, Spanish and French.  Since the RPM
includes all the available languages, I don't want to make one missing
any of those, or someone who upgrades might suddenly find the Release
Notes changing from their own language to English.


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