



I've received a message from a friend recently and it surprised me a lot, please read it and tell me what you think read more




From: trans-id []
Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 11:17 PM
Subject: I'm 18.


God manifests himself in 3 different ways: As himself (Old Testament). Jesus Christ (his son) who has existed since the beginning, was born as a normal human child and then started preaching in his 30's when God manifested through him. Then finally we have the holy spirit which is in all of us as under the new covenant the church is spiritual and in our heart.


So Jesus as a human being worshiped God as his father because he lived the same life as other humans and followed Moses's law. When God manifested through him when he started preaching then the new covenant began.



Jesus is eternal and sits beside God in heaven.


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