Hola a todos:

¿es idea mía o en el single-html quedó una poción sin traducir?[1]. Según recuerdo, eso no estaba en el po de transferix.

[1] http://docs.fedoraproject.org/security-guide/es_ES/single/#id473433

On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Eric Christensen <eric@christensenplace.us> wrote:
On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 11:00, Domingo Becker<domingobecker@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/7/29 Eric Christensen <eric@christensenplace.us>:
>> Domingo,
>> I had to fix a few broken components in the Spanish translation but with
>> the way Publican and Transifex work together I'm not sure how to hand
>> off those fixes.  It was only five minor issues so I'm not going to
>> worry about it until the new Transifex becomes available.
>> I've posted everything to http://docs.fedoraproject.org/security-guide/.
>> The table should show a Spanish translation available in HTML and
>> HTML-single when everything syncs up.  As soon as Publican is fixed to
>> generate PDFs I'll generate that one too.
>> Oh, I should mention that I made a minor change to the pot and now you
>> are showing 99% in Transifex.  As soon as that change is updated I'll go
>> ahead and generate the SRPM.  I think the change is related to the
>> versioning and change log.  Sorry about that.
> Thank you.
> We'll work on the proofreading.
> Later, we will upload the changes.
> The document does not have the publican format yet.
> kind regards
> Domingo Becker
> PS: Para fedora-trans-es: se necesita colaboración para la lectura y
> corrección de este documento. Gracias.

This is a clear sign that I work on this stuff way too late.  The
index.php is messed up and the css files aren't being pulled.

The PDF should be there, though.

I saw the 100% translated po so I'm building the SRPM now.  Thanks!!!


Dennis Tobar Calderón
Ingeniero en Informática UTEM
Licenciado en Ciencias de la Ingeniería UTEM