:)) Good for you..  see you needed to do some trials..
But i need a more explanation for this.. you mean there was a missing perission what was that.. the execute for u?
another thing.. is ur private key on window is kept as read only file or what.. could u tell me the permission of ur key from window side..
Regards which module u should start with.. well i can't tell you..  maybe Munzir..
But i'll give some advices..
> First.. go and have a look on each module from the status page..
> Try to pick a small module just to start with or to warm youself up..
> Choose a module you think you r more related to or familiar to its subject.. I mean pick up a module that you can imagine what the context is talking about.. something like system-config-lvm I can tell from its name that it's about the configuration of lvm..  if you already familiar with lvm or interested to know more details about it.. why don't u learn about it and translate in the same time? You could pass an a good tips to the group or write a small article about it :)
For sure you will find some names.. you don't know what strings could be about.. so you would need to open and have another look inside the file itself.
If you find it so hard to do the above.. well i still got another advice..
Toss a coin and see if its head or tail to pick up just the right one for you :)

On 12/28/06, Ali Ghareb <> wrote:
Hi Eng.Maha

it working now on Linux
I dont believe ...after all these attempts
the problem was so simple

it says Permission denied becouse the private key file permission need to be set to 700 by chmod
I'm so stupid

Now , I need from you the advice !
what the module I could begin with (an easy one)?

and what the things I could avert?

thanks alot Eng.Maha

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