So what's the final?!

On 8/18/05, Mohammad Ghoniem <> wrote:

Thank you all for your input.


Maha Helwa wrote:

> router = موجه
> route = مسار  more accurate than  وجهة",  i think "وجهة" means to me a
> destination but "masar" tells what's inbetween.. wallah 2a3lm.. it's
> my opinion..
> .
> On 8/18/05, *Munzir Taha* <
> < >> wrote:
>     Hash: SHA1
>     في يوم الخميس 13 رجب 1426 10:33, كتب Mohammad Ghoniem:
>     > Salâm,
>     >
>     > In order to finish my homework :), I need to get feedback on the
>     > translation of : route and router.
>     >
>     > For router, I found موجه.
>     > For route, I found وجهة or طريق.
>     >
>     > Do you know any official or better translation for these words ?
>     I just called our CISCO expert and he told me CISCO translates
>     route as توجيه
>     in its official books. M$ does the same thing. Still the context
>     may make a
>     difference and let وجهة be a better translation. But let's avoid
>     طريق if
>     possible.

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