      Take care of where you send your question.
There are two mailing lists:
fedora-trans-list@redhat.com  .. This is for the general translation discussions. You sent there (I guess by mistake), and due to your name I guess they though you are turkish : )
I am posting your question here to :
fedora-trans-ar@redhat.com  .. Which is the one for arabic translation.
----- Original Message -----
From: Turki@zahid.com
To: fedora-trans-list@redhat.com
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 9:01 AM
Subject: How to translate this ?

Gents ,

How to translate this :

mount point

I purchased "Al-Kelanee's dictionary for comuters and electronics" , it's good but as expected it doesn't have *nix specific terms.

Fedora-trans-list mailing list