>     example, do we take into account the possible insertion of new strings
>     in existing po files ? (This impacts the numeric ids suggested by maha
>     to track the order of strings within files...)
> ?? mesh fahmah..  what do u mean.. the  strings orders will help  when
> u  collect the approved strings from the db and put it back in PO files..

I- You are the one who mentionned numeric ids, right ? :)
II- We must decide whether the order of strings is meaningful / useful
within po files ? If this is the case, this order must be known and
retained when we pull the data out of the database.
Yes Ghoniem.. it has a meaning.. my point is instead of create a new file and collect the approved strings + unmodified string to buildup a new PO file.. i just pickup the approved strings and update the translation of these strings in the PO file.. so i need to know where are these strings located in the PO file.. the 5th.. 25th or 32th string or whatever..this number i need it when i update the PO files again from the db.. does this answer your question? Ghoniem?!

> 3- We should discuss and write down the way the DB is laid out.
> HADER... I will isA...

shukran ! :)
Afwan :))  dont' worry.. i'll reply.. am not in mood :)) sorry.