Dear Mr.Sherif
Thnak you very much for mailing me in detailed.I' offer myself as a Arabic tranlastor for providing better arabic Translation and contribution to "Fedora Core" and it's groups.
Thnaks again..
Dr.M.A.Akram wrote:
Dear Dr. Akram,
Being in the mailing-list means that you would like to help in
providing better arabic translation for the amazing distribution
"Fedora Core".

As the nature of the open source, ppl do contribute in different
ways to reach the goal. The goal here is "better arabic support".

Different groups are contributing in the overall translation process.
Arabeyes as one group doing great job in different projects.

We are here contributing by verifying and translating Fedora specific

All what you can do here even if it is just review the translation
and validate it. Or even translate some of the non-translated strings.

Please let me know if you need more details on how to be active
in this group. This msg to all the subscribed users, who maybe
shy to speak up, or afraid to ask what they should do.

I really would like to hear from all of the people here and see
us back very active. So let us do that. Waiting for your replies.


Quoting m akram :

> Hi Dear....
> I can't understand,what do you want to me?
> Dr.M.A.Akram
> Sherif Abdelgawad wrote:
> How about me too here :) I am awfuly sorry for not being active.
> I will wrap up some work this week and get some time to get back
> here on track.
> Hey guys! I have noticed that we have a lot of ppl here, yet I never
> heard the voice. I approve per week two or three new ppl who join
> the mailing list. Where are you guys ?? Speak up!
> do
> ping $MEMBERS
> [ $? -eq 1 ] && Shake_Member_to_see_if_awake_hence_wake_them_up
> done
> GUYS, email us, say hi at least, ! till us you are alive :)
> Thanks
> Sherif
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Maha Helwa
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 4:56 PM
> Subject: Re: [Fedora-trans-ar] May be we need to use other devices
> totranslate!
> On 8/3/05, Munzir Taha wrote: Salaam,
> A bus station is where a bus stops.
> A train station is where a train stops.
> On my desk I have a workstation...
> mmm... where I stopped to translate!!
> Munzir... How you do it!! when i get home i just want to turn off my head !!
> from where you get all this energy!! i used to be like that before..
> bas zaman ba2a..
> _
> Devices Never been as good as humans.. but in our case.. maybe it
> would be much better :))
> isALLAH will try to start with ANY SMALL FILE to be back o! n this weekend.
> -Maha.
> Song to The Moon from Rusalka -- Anyone have its script !!
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