Good Morning everyone :)
               I would like to wish everyone of you a very happy new year. A littel bit
late but it is never too late.
I have been lacking contribution lately due to some personal issues, but I am back :)
I would like to inqure about our status on review, I know Munizr has assigened a file
or different files to different ppl including myself. So I would like to do:
- Munzir, can you publish this file again? Send it to the list and I will put it to the site?
- Everyone of active member here .. Start reviewing the files, and send to the list
  with how long you will take to finish. 
I think this should be fair .. Again I would like to ping everyone who is not yet active
in this mailing-list .. We have quite number of people but I only see emails from specific
So .. For everyone who is registered to this mailing list and did not contribute anything,
even by saying "good work" or "bad work" .. would you kindly introduce yourself and
share at least your openion?
I am flying to Egypt for two weeks tomorrow .. Desoky , would you like to do something
with Linux-Egypt LUG while I am in Egypt (We can take this off-list) :)