Good day all,
I have recently upgraded to f16 (what a palava btw)
I updated today and then my KDE wouldn't start with a message "couldn't start kdeinit4, check your install"
i have downgraded them all again, and put them back 1 by 1 and narrowed it down to...
kdelibs-4.7.1-2.fc16.1 kdelibs-common-4.7.1-2.fc16.1 kdelibs-devel-4.7.1-2.fc16.1 qt-4.8.0-0.12.20111002.fc16 qt-4.8.0-0.12.20111002.fc16 qt-config-4.8.0-0.12.20111002.fc16 qt-devel-4.8.0-0.12.20111002.fc16 qt-mysql-4.8.0-0.12.20111002.fc16 qt-x11-4.8.0-0.12.20111002.fc16 qt-x11-4.8.0-0.12.20111002.fc16
also just incase its only me, in order to get my nvidia working I've had to downgrade my glibc to glibc-2.14.90-5.x86_64 (patched) and installed the proprietary nvidia 275.28 driver.
could this be anything to do with it, or do these packages brake anyone else's KDE??
Thanks in advance Martin